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Earn free support today and quickly fill out the form on tab “Contact Form”
Not yet a Tasco customer you can always contact us to discuss opportunities to earn free support in the future. Contact our support team using the contact form below.
Earn support
One-time tasks to earn minutes of support
Verify yourself
1st task: verify your account
The first task is to verify your account on our website. For this you will already receive free minutes of support!
To earn free support you must be a verified customer with us and participate in Tasco’s loyalty program. For this you must have a verified account. Enter your data in the form below
Referral lead
Referring a contact who shows strong interest
Successful referral to a contact who shows strong interest entitles our customers to free support from our technician.
Reward: 24 minutes
To earn this reward all you have to do is fill out the form below
Google Review
Positive Google review
Writing a positive review on Google immediately entitles you to free support from our technician.
Reward: 24 minutes
To earn this reward all you have to do is fill out the form below
Social media
Reference on our website
Reference on our website
Give Tasco permission to highlight your company on our page about your industry
Reward: 24 minutes
To earn this reward all you have to do is fill out the form below
Don’t forget to add in message:
Which machine you have from us
Link to your website
Description of your operation with Tasco and our machine(s)
Picture of a product
Deffective supplies
We send defective supplies to the manufacturer. There is a procedure for this which must be followed carefully.
1. Download en vul in PDF
2. Upload PDF
Make it easy to exchange supplies with uploading the request form to exchange supplies at Tasco. Our user-friendly upload page allows you to quickly and easily submit the request form to exchange consumables, such as ink or toner, for your printers and other devices. Take advantage of our efficient exchange service and ensure that your equipment always performs at its best. Upload your request form now and let us take care of you!”
Packaging and handling requirements for supply.
After uploading the files, your request will be processed as soon as possible. Now you just have to wait for a positive response from our technical department before you can send your deffect supply to Tasco.
● In the original packaging and sealed
● Openings on the cartridges should be sealed. Please do not stick tape on the nozzle channels of the cartridge, this will make testing impossible.
● Photoconductors should be sealed (orange lid) and first wrapped in sealed plastic. Toners must be closed (valve). This is necessary for testing the supply. Not correctly packed supplies leak during transport and cannot be tested. If the goods cannot be tested, a credit note is excluded.