Contact / Certification Qualiopi

Certification Qualiopi

In France, Qualiopi certification for training initiatives is intended for providers of skills development initiatives. It attests to the quality of the training initiatives carried out, and their compliance with the unique reference number

Qualiopi certification is awarded by an accredited body following an on-site audit. To obtain it, the training organization must meet a certain number of requirements:

  • Communicate accurately about services, objectives and results.
  • Adapt teaching methods and materials to their audience.
  • Training with the help of expert trainers, and with a coherent approach to the training organization’s environment.
  • Take account of feedback from the trainees.

Since 2022, Tasco has been Qualiopi certified for training activities.

Tasco’s training courses meet the highest standards of quality.

Your 3-step request for (partial) reimbursement after training

Mandatory: you can only be reimbursed for our training if you are a company operating in France.

The following courses are eligible for reimbursement:

  • Labour contract for installation and training
  • Labor contract for after-sales service

Step 1. Identify your OPCO (skills operator).

  1. Reimbursement can also be made to Pôle Emploi, Caisse des Dépôts, Régions and Collectivités.
  • Afdas
  • Atlas
  • Ocaplat
  • Uniformation
  • Constructys
  • L’Opcommerce
  • Akto
  • Opco21
  • Opco Mobilités
  • Opca EP
  • Opco Santé

If you don’t know your OPCO, use your APE Code on the following links

Step 2. Contact your OPCO

Check your company’s account with the relevant OPCO. If you don’t yet have an account, create one.

  • If in doubt, contact your social secretariat, which will declare the “Taxe d’apprentissage” contribution, if an account exists.
  • Ask your OPCO about the administrative procedures for putting together your application file.

Step 3. Submit your request and wait for a reply

Your OPCO may request certain training-related information. If you require other files, please do not hesitate to speak to your sales representative.

  1. The Tasco training organization ID: 32590947859
  2. Training program
  3. Training costs
  4. Staff attendance certificate
  5. Once you’ve received your OPCO’s reply, contact us!

Contact us here!


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